Tuesday, April 18, 2006

For when your lefty friends are out protesting

I, like you, often get very lonely when all my left-leaning friends are away doing whatever it is that they do. I came across this little chat application so you can talk to and automated liberal to fill the void on those long, dark, lonely nights. Happy chatting!


Snow White said...

LOLOL Too funny! And just what I needed this evening! Thanks for sharing.

Adam said...

Snow White...
"Funny"!!? I question the timing! I take it you haven't read "Pugnacious: How the Supreme Court Controls NAFTA," BY Ed Asner. If you aren't scared about this lying primate, if you ask me you are a Replicant! As a paraplegic wetland, I am Romulan!?

Sass said...

you are officially a rock star

Adam said...

Sass, all I have to say to you is....
Am I!!!! Am I, really? Down with intolerance!!!! Tom Ridge is a tool of the ivory industry.

Duly Inspired said...

Autorantic? I'm borrowing that one!

Okie said...

Hours of laughs.

Adam said...

Autorantic, eh? U.S. get out of Iraq! The Repugnantans stole the ELECTION by biting the Chicano voters, just like Oral Roberts HELPED our imperial chimp to steal equal rights!!!! Karl Rove is nothing but a tool of the Mormon Church!! I am not one of Oliver North's moronic errand BOYS!!!!

Speaking of laughs! The Replicants stole THE election by cheating the voters. It's like 1995 all over again!!! If you aren't hyperglycemic and unkempt about this lying primate, then for crying out loud you are a Rechimplicker!!!?

Nessa said...

adam - that is hilarious!!!!!

Adam said...

Nessa...Hilarious!!! Horrible!!! The Repugnantans stole the so-called election, just like Ariel Sharon helped our Liar-in-Chief to steal ALTERNATIVE lifestyles from the vegans? I am not in love with hatred. As I recall, I am not ONE of Charles Johnson's glee club of employees! NEWT Gingrich!!!!? Rush Limbaugh!!? I can't tell one Bible-thumping, African-American-HARVESTING, idiotic hired gun for the Klu Klux Klan from the other!!!! (Glenn Reynolds either, without a doubt!!!)

I think you might just win the prize for the longest response from my new chat buddy!