The race for the Governor's mansion in Alaska is a race I'll be following closely. Given the current state of American politics, I'm thinking we should start a grassroots effort of our own.
- I'll head up the Texas office...Molly will be the candidate, Tess will handle the Karl Rovian puppeteering.
- Grins will take the lead in North Carolina. Rainey will be the candidate there. Cody can provide the entertainment as the Billy Carter/Roger Clinton style relative.
- Golden Dreams has New Hampshire covered. Please vote for Cameron. Ferris, as always, will be hard at work behind the camera where he is most comfortable.
- Chickenhawk will take time out of her busy days to handle New York. Cooper will attempt to get votes by kissing a lot of babies.
- Southern Fried Girl will try to figure out just how Louisiana politics works. Gage will be running on a platform that includes brining each and every evacuee back home where they belong. He will be in constant contact with Tess for her advise on how to facilitate the re-population of Louisiana.
Send me your home state, a link to a picture of your candidate(s), their names, a link to your blog (if you have one), and a few words on why your Golden Retriever should hold office. I'll update the map and the post as you respond. If your state is already spoken for, don't feel left out..All Goldens who respond will get the recognition they deserve. We can find a spot for any Golden willing to serve.
A special thanks to Ruth Sisk and Brinkley for the idea. They've got Alaska taken care of. Heck, they've even made t-shirts and bumper stickers! As long as Brinkley doesn't propose cutting Alaska in half and forming two states in order to make Texas the 3rd largest state, we're cool.
Update: Some folks can't put aside their ideology for a bit of light hearted "political" banter. I'm happy to report that I've just received my first (and second) piece of hate mail from a very articulate soul in Oregon. Apparently, someone in the "Beaver State" had an issue with Molly wearing a "W" hat and my reference to Karl Rove.
Allow me to formally apologize for that photo. It is wrong for a dog to wear human clothing. It was an error in judgment on my part. I staged the picture. I'm sorry for associating my dogs with the evil right wing.
Monday Update: So, I just got home from a rather pleasant Monday. Check the Just Golden mail bag...guess what was waiting for me? You guessed it, another gem from our good friend from "The Beaver State." I was tempted to copy and paste some of the better one-liners from the sweet, excellently composed email. My elder Statesdog came and gave me a little clarity on how best to respond:
I would like to thank my new pen pal for keeping the friendly suggestions out of the comments. You are a class act all the way. Please forgive me if I am slow to respond to your mail.
What's that Tess?
No. Trolls don't taste like chicken.
I know the folks at the Flickr Golden group love to pimp out their dogs...Where are you? We need 270 electoral votes to get it done. As of now, we are only doing slightly better than Mike Dukakis.
What's that Tess?
No. Trolls don't taste like chicken.
I know the folks at the Flickr Golden group love to pimp out their dogs...Where are you? We need 270 electoral votes to get it done. As of now, we are only doing slightly better than Mike Dukakis.
Great idea! I know they're not eligible to run, but I have a minature schnauzer and a cat who would be willing to help Molly & Tess behind the scenes!
The Goldens surely couldn't do any worse job than some of the idiots that are already in office! :)
my cat could run for office in california because, you know, it's california and she'll be running against ahnold and a porn star. she's not a golden, but she'll do a better job than the porn star. yay!
Whoa. Some people need to seriously lighten up. Geez.
I can head up California with cat. I think her cat runs for Govenor, because we all know cats are always plotting and planning.
And I'd like to sponsor Tess for Lt. Govenor--this is CA, we're all about beauty and blonde hair out here--with her skinny body and blonde hair, she is sure to win over the votes of the fair residents of the Golden State.
Re: Hate mail. Good grief, some people need a life!
First off, I love that you put King Pooper on your site. Love it.
And please - I will never understand LA politics. I am waaaaay too logical. Oh, and not on the take.
I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long while! I think Cameron is the perfect candidate...he will just chase you and grab onto your collar if you don't vote for him!
Great idea and the person who sent you the hate mail needs to get themselves a dog and lighten up. Geeze.
Ooohhhh if only I had known to start campaigning while out touring the state this past weekend. Off to plan our campaign. I'm thinking it will require several trips to beaches and mountains to see "our people".
NC campaign team checking in. We're emailing you buttons we can use in the national campaign for the Golden Party!
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