Friday, September 15, 2006

Create a new post?

Sure, why the hell not? I'll have more this weekend, but wanted to poke my head out and let everyone know that I haven't run off and joined the circus, or worse yet, the Democrat Party.

Before I go, how 'bout checking out the hair ball Tess coughed up this morning (don't worry, its not gross.)


Amy L said...

bwahahaha I am afraid to ask....

Snow White said...

LOL Looks like my dog! Glad you poked your head out... I was getting worried... of course if I'd know the democratic party was a possiblity, I wouldn't have been nearly as worried! ;)

Mrs. S. said...

I was wondering where you went!! Glad you didn't join the dems.. (Does Homer Simpson "ugh" sound)

That must've been really hard for Tess to cough up. I see she's grown a little more into her ears as well.. Nice to see her!