Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And then...quiet

Tonight, my house feels empty. It is missing two of the most joyful souls I know. I dropped the girls off at the kennel about an hour ago at the last possible moment before they closed. I might need to turn the heat up a bit tonight. I'll also be shy two furnaces! Tonight, I don't have dogs. It's weird.

Tomorrow I'll be thinking of all of you while I enjoy my bloody Mary at the airport. Extra spicy please.


Anonymous said...

Awwww doggie jail while dad goes off to play.

LOL Have a great time in Cabo!

Me said...

I hate leaving my dog when we go away. My doggie jail has cameras so I can spy on him when I'm away from home. Saying goodbye is the hardest thing ever!
Have fun and look forward to coming home to your babies!