Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Better late than never

Tess turned 3 yesterday. Her magical transformation to a good dog is still pending. For now I will blame the backlog caused by the refinancing boom.


Duly Inspired said...

Awwwww, happy birthday!

Najia said...

Happy Belated Birthday Tess! She's a beautiful Golden Girl. :-)

Milo turne 11 on January 11. He and Achilles sends love and kisses to your girls. Hope she got extra treats on her special day.

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

I love this pic. Happy Birthday wishes to Tess.


Samantha: said...

Happy barkday Tess! I'm about to turn 3 and I'm getting settled down a bit more myself, or so my peeps think teehee! Have a treat-filled happy day! So glad to have found your blog!
Hugs and Licks,