Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Molly and Tess hunker down

Just broke the news to them that the Democrats are looking good tonight. I don't know why, but apparently the bath tub is the safest place to be in a storm. I think their paranoia is cute! Little do they know that dog food will still be available in the morning.


Duly Inspired said...

With everything but Virginia... I'm so tired of hearing "absolute certainty" and then hearing "if this... Virginia," or "if this" such and such... and "on November 27, the state board... recount... if less than 1%... within seven days...". Cheyenne is snoring in my bed and I'm watching CNN. Seriously, shouldn't Talahassee Reunion be the name of a folk band?

always kris said...

I love the look on Tess' face, "Please hurry up and take the picture!"

Sass said...

that's very cute.

Amy L said...

OH so darn cute.

have you read my blog in past couple of days? Oh my. I could not make this nonsense up if I tried.

Sure you and the girls don't want to move to LA? HA HA HA HA HA HA :)

Golden Dreams said...

I have to wrestle mine to get in the tub, let alone hang out in it! LOL