Friday, March 24, 2006

Like a duck to water

Tonight, Tess got her first bath. She was in need of one. Her unidentified "crusties" had to go! This is a big step...the first test of how she would react to being in water. After preparing myself for the fact that she might be one of those Goldens who is scared of water, we dove in to the task. She did great. After the actual scrubbing was done, I kept her in the tub and had a 10 minute play session in the water. Look out ducks...we're coming at you from two directions now!

While looking for the bath picture for this post, I found this gem that pretty much sums up the pace at which Molly and Tess play.

If ever I have a back door without nose prints, feel free to smack me!

1 comment:

Duly Inspired said...

Fantastic first bath photo. Careful though, she might like it so much that, as a two-year old, she jumps in the tub with you. Wait, nevermind. Unlikely you take bubble baths. Still though, must say back at you on the paw prints thing. Yeah, dogs = life.