Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Let's start the Thanksgiving weekend off with a crash

Literally. You know those side line photographers at football games who get plowed over from time to time when they get too close to the action? I'll just say that I have a new found respect for them.

Yep, they put me on my can about a half second after this picture was taken. Dogs and camera are doing just fine. The humble photographer has plenty of "liquid aspirin" in the fridge and doctors predict a speedy recovery.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving weekend. May all your teams be victorious, unless of course you are Longhorn fan. Sorry Hookems, I've got no kind words for you until Saturday. Hookems, how about a little music to cheer you up?


Snow White said...

The Aggies have my vote to win this weekend! And SI has them going to the Big Dance at the end of Bball season! Happy Thanksgiving, to you AND the blondes!

always kris said...

LOVE the action shot! How do you do that?!? You must always have a camera in your hand.

I LMAO @ "liquid aspirin"!

Golden Dreams said...

Cameron just fell of the couch! LOL That scared the hell out of him. But then again, we usually route for Michigan State...doesn't seem to help them though...