Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend introspection

So, I had a weekend with little on the agenda besides cleaning out the garage. I had some time to sit alone with my thoughts and emotions. With all the news of doom and gloom lately, I thought it would be appropriate to share a list of some of my biggest fears. Here goes:
  1. Making a hole-in-one while playing alone.
  2. Serving ceviche for the first time and ending the party by having to drive all of the guests to the emergency room for food poisoning treatment.
  3. Bird flu.
  4. Our government getting so big that I feel like I have very little control of my own life. No. Wait. I think I'm getting pretty desensitized to that.
  5. Trendy men's haircuts and tight fitting clothes.
  6. Snakes. This would also include vampires and clowns.
  7. Joel Osteen and that creepy wife of his.
  8. Dogs wearing "outfits."
  9. Last call.
  10. Rainy Sundays and wet dogs. It sure is a good thing that water evaporates.
There you go. Those are my deepest, darkest fears. What are you scared of?


Golden Samantha said...

That is a good compilation of things to fear; personally, some of them terrify me (e.g. clowns and Mondays, of course...), but so many scary things are happening out there that's it's hard to imagine more - good list... and a good thing to do on the weekend. At home.
xo Sammie

Duly Inspired said...

I fear that you'll disappear again and with you, the girls.