I guess she works. She's actually been retrieving for a few weeks, but this was the first time I caught it on camera. Special thanks to Molly are in order for being patient inside while I caught this stunning footage.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Throw away the receipt
I guess she works. She's actually been retrieving for a few weeks, but this was the first time I caught it on camera. Special thanks to Molly are in order for being patient inside while I caught this stunning footage.
Enron Field:Minute Maid Park as Reliant Stadium:_________
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Hmmm, I'd like to believe your story, Tess, but I'm going to ask Molly what really happened.
Friday, April 28, 2006
May Day protests
I work in the landscape industry. Guess what? There are a lot of Mexicans who have chosen the same line of work. Shocking, I know. 75% of the time, I'm locked in my comfortable, air conditioned office coloring pretty pictures, the other 25% I spend in the trenches with our crews directing traffic, berating our foremen for not being able to read my mind, eating lunch from taco trucks and relieving myself in port-a-cans. That said, I know a thing or two about the immigration situation.
I'll begin the rant by saying that most of our guys have been with us for at least 3 years. They truly are the hardest working men I've ever known. Yesterday, I learned that they were thinking about joining the walk-out to intentionally bite the hand that feeds them. You see, our guys aren't undocumented immigrants. They all have "Social Security cards" and "Green Cards."
I know all their "documents" are fake. But take heart dear tax payer reading this, they all pay their taxes as prescribed by the IRS, just like you. No cash under the table...even if it would mean that I'd be able to afford a Jeep as a second car, but I digress.
We had a meeting last night over how to handle the situation if they did decide to walk out on Monday. Our position is this: Go ahead. Take the day off. Protest. Enjoy many more days off too. You won't have a job here after the protest. I got the nod to have the heart-to-heart with them this morning to explain what was up.
6:45 I was at the office. At about 7 they all started rolling in. By 7:15 everyone was wondering why I was there so early. Everyone knew something was up. "No, don't hitch up just yet. Step inside. We need to talk."
The theme of the ensuing conversation was all about mutual respect. We can't make any money without them. They can't make any money without us. We've tried hiring Americans to do the work our guys do...they usually last about 3 days before they go MIA.
Here is how we left it...Y'all work so hard for us and you can count on us working just as hard for you when and IF anything is done beyond saber rattling from both political parties.
One thing you can count on...there is one company that requires all its employees to pay taxes just like all of us working Joes. They all know they are operating outside the law. Falsifying federal documents is a felony, and I have them all scanned into my computer.
I'll bet you all a dollar that nothing substantial will be done about it. Its hurting all of us. Write, call and email your elected officials and give them a piece of your mind. I'm willing to take a hit on the bottom line if you are willing to harass your Congressmen and Senators.
End rant. How about a picture of Tess-a-mess?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Deep Thoughts #1

It still gives me chills
And for the record, Molly and Tess have written their elected officials to let them know how they feel. Have you?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Breakfast, its what's for dinner

As the winner of "The Next Food Network Star," I think it would be appropriate to share a time tested recipe that works great for breakfast, even better for dinner and the ultimate "impress your drunk friends" late night snack. It is the frittata.
Start with the frozen fajita mix with onion, green bell peppers and red bell peppers. Saute in some olive oil while you go back to the freezer for the shredded (not cubed) hashbrowns. Chunk those in the saute pan as well. Let everything thaw out and start to get some color.
Next, the eggs. Crack enough to fill the pan about an inch or so. A little salt, pepper and some hot sauce into them is just what the doctor ordered.
Now turn on the broiler. This step will be helpful later.
Dump the eggs in the pan and stir like hell for a few seconds. You should be on medium/low heat by now. Then, my favorite part...sit back, drink your o.j., cold beer, or Jagermiester...depending on the time of day.
When the bottom of the frittata begins to turn brown, pop it under the broiler and let the uncooked part of the goodness to cook through. This usually takes about half a beer and two stories from that friend that talks too much (story times may vary.) After all the eggs on top have cooked through, remove from under the broiler. IMPORTANT: the handle is very hot! Don't worry though, its a mistake you will only make once.
Let it cool for a couple minutes and place a plate upside-down on the pan. Then flip both plate and pan over so the top side of the frittata is now on the bottom. IMPORTANT: the handle is still very hot. OK, I lied, you'll do it twice, but medical technology today is doing wonders for burn victims these days.
You should be looking at a perfectly round piece of golden goodness. Cut into wedges and serve. The best part is, it took you longer to read this than it does to prepare the dish and you come out looking like a well seasoned chef.
That's all my time. Hope you enjoy!
Monday, April 24, 2006
The hippies next door

Anyway, at one point in the weekend we talked about the hippies that just moved in next door. I regaled them with stories about the Birkenstocks, the slew of bikes they rode around, their trips into Houston to shop at Whole Foods and their recycling bin that overfloweth.
Little did I know that when I was away they were busy setting up an elaborate system of nylon line all over their back yard. Upon my return I was greeted by Mrs. Hippies panties clearly visible from my back porch. Now, I know what you're wanting to ask..."Aren't hemp panties, umm, well, just a bit itchy?" Apparently, that is precisely the reason why hippies don't shave. They need a protective buffer.
Now I'm all for energy conservation. If the engineers at an American automaker can figure out how to build an SUV with room for 2 dog kennels, a cooler, my weekend luggage AND get 50 miles to the gallon without making the sticker price just a "bargain" for the mathematically challenged, sign me up!
I guess the point I'm trying to make is this: Mr. and Mrs. Hippie, I applaud your efforts with energy conservation, but we heathens don't want to look at your drawers on a Sunday afternoon any more than we want to see your bed sheets on Monday. I could make a phone call and have it removed, but I'll leave that up to the retired couple on the other side of them. Otherwise, at our next Sunday get together I'll ask them just lower it so I don't have to look at it.
Until then, I'll be in the mood to smoke some meat every night. Mmmmm, ribs....
Thursday, April 20, 2006
1 out of 2
Truth be told, I really haven't been feeling like doing any. Sure, I still do plenty of it at work...but its work. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do. It hardly feels like "work." But all the drawing I've done lately has been accompanied by a deadline. Where is the fun in that?
Tonight, I started a new project based on this photo. Reflections are a pain to capture. I hope I'm up to it!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Daily game of grab-ass
I've been wanting to get some video up for a while. Here is a first attempt. This is what its like for about 2 hours after I get home from work. Fortunately, after that time, I'm rewarded with about 2 hours of peace and quiet.
Q: Are they always that wound up?
A: Only when they're awake.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
For when your lefty friends are out protesting
Monday, April 17, 2006
Well, Spring, it was nice knowin' ya
That reminds me, I need to add Gold Bond to the shopping list this week.
Maybe I shoud look for a two for one deal. One for everyday use and one for my hurricane/rolling blackout kit.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Back by popular demand

Reason number 1: Tess doesn't like it if you go near her hole.

Reason number 2: Molly doesn't like it when Tess goes near Tess' hole.

Reason number 3: Those teeth are very sharp.

Reason number 4: There are two sets of teeth.
They're baaaaack
Call me a grumpy old man, I don't care. I have this thing when it comes to ice cream trucks. Maybe it stems from childhood memories of not being able to go running after a moving vehicle until after my homework was done. Maybe its because I'm not a huge fan of sweets. Or maybe, just maybe, its because of the incessant repetition of the same annoying song when I'm trying to relax outside after a long day.
Hey kids, I'll make you a deal. You can keep your ice cream trucks on three conditions. One, the music has to go. I know its how they advertise that they are in the area, but you are kids, you have nothing better to do than to sit out side and watch for them. Two, the adults get to have beer trucks driving around playing good Texas music with women in bikinis selling their wares. And three, hide your eye when you see afore mentioned beer truck. This is a family oriented neighborhood after all.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Holy crap!
There were two ladies in front of me. (Stage One anger level) They were finding it quite difficult deciding on what to order, but both settled on something that takes longer to order than it does to drink. (Stage Two anger level) The ensuing argument about who was going to pick up the check. (Stage Three anger level) Apparently the pastries at this particular store are passed the expiration date, so they are giving them away (another decision for the lovely ladies to make.)
Finally I ordered my simple cup of coffee, black. I must have looked VERY pissed because the cashier told me that she was sorry for the wait and that this one was on the house. On the house? At Starbucks? For a long wait?
I have now officially seen it all.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Boot camp begins

Yep, just what I expected. Obedience training began tonight for the little grunt. After a nice long walk off the leash to burn off some energy, I put it around her neck and started walking around in the back yard. After she figured out that any struggle was futile, she did pretty good. Not bad for a first day under the iron fist of her drill sergeant.
She's started "retrieving" socks and other things I've intentionally left on the floor. Yea, that's the ticket, my house is a mess because I'm training a dog! In a couple more weeks it should be time to clean the house and start with tennis balls and small bird decoys...that's right, a VALID excuse to take a trip to Bass Pro Shop!
Other than that, I'm still recovering from a long weekend with the boys. Sunday was spent on the couch in the fetal position watching golf. Good times though, good times. My spring fever is now in full force and I need a vacation.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
What? You are tired of puppy pictures?
Rednecks R Us
Our agenda is as follows:
- 7:00pm, Friday, Arrive
- 7:01pm Open a cold beer
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Best wishes to all on Masters Eve
This year the course is a little longer and the greens are going to be a little faster. Look for the bomber/scrappers to be in the last groups on Sunday. And remember, the tournament doesn't start until the top 20 reach Amen Corner on Sunday.
If I were a betting man, Phil is hot after last week and Tiger will be playing for his ailing dad. But I'm not a betting man, so I'll be rooting for Davis, bad back and all.
Updated: We now have pairings.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Mexican Stand-Off

But in the end, good triumphed over evil:
But wait...we have a new accomplishment to report:

"It may be sooner than you think."